Archive for June 11, 2007

Let me know the wonder…of all of you.

I’m very sorry. I know it’s Monday, and I almost always post on Monday but I just don’t have the time nor the inclination today.  My doctors appointment this morning has sucked out my will to type.  My blood pressure was still very very high.  She’s going to try a diuretic to see if that with the calcium channel blocker will drop it down, and to add insult to injury, I gained three pounds!  Suck.

So I’m sure you understand why I just don’t want to post today.  It’s not that the weekend tired me out.  Weekend was pretty calm.  Had brunch on Saturday (No,no bubbly Ms. TunaAndGreens) and didn’t do much else, so that didn’t tire me out.  Sunday wandered around the house, did little errands and such, took pictures of my windchimes, certainly nothing there that would make me not want to post.  I did buy my new perfumed oil at the Health food market  (The scent is called Magik SerendipityWalker).  Hmm, I have been sketching today, maybe all of my creativity has been leached out.  Looking at my sketch, I’m going to say that’s not why I am at a loss for words.

I have music stuck in my head today.  Barry Manilow.  We know whose fault that is, right?  I’m not even going to type your name here!  You know who you are, Mr. getting songs stuck in my head.

Have a great day!

Maybe I’ll try to post tomorrow.

EDIT~~~Wait!  I thought of something to post about.  Something new started happening last month.  Everyone has trouble hearing my blood pressure.  Never been an issue before, but now, doctors and nurses have to try three or four times before they can get it. Does anyone else have that problem?  If so, do you know why?

Tag Cloud


Happiness gently landed on my shoulders

A ᏣᎳᎩ Girl Writes



A musician learning about food.


A new Iteration

One Life, One Chance

Learning to be Resilient

It's me - mb!

musings from the mind of mb

The Journey from Big Girl to Fit N HEalthy

It Doesn't Matter How Many Times You Fall As Long As You Always Stand Back Up One More Time

Get With It For Life with JEN



Blogging like it's the old days.

Musings of a Quirky Introvert

ideas ... observations ... reflections


I'm on a path. It meanders.

The Enchanted Cottage

Binaural beats therapy

Brainwaves entrainment for Android

A Sagittarian Seeker

Sharing a life of inner and outer journeys

Victor Travel Blog

An Illustrated Travel Magazine by Victor Tribunsky


pairing wine with pizza and then meowing about it.

Bridgette Tales

Everybody has a story. Here's a little of mine.

Letters from Lyndie

Bets and Pieces

Solving Life's Puzzles, One Word at a Time

Start Skydiving



Onward and upward