Archive for April, 2010

Stuff in the mail!

I got a surprise in the mail!

Someone was kind enough to send me a book by my favorite author, now who could have possibly done that?


Thank you!

Oops – Entry 2 of 2 plus 1

I never got back to my stories yesterday. 

I’m having issues with one of my customers. Let’s call them, ThatCompany, They’re one of the big ones.  Not necessarily a big customer for us, but a powerful company.  They’re a pain in my ass, always have been.  They’re whole set up was disorganized and has continued on that way ever since.  Tuesday night I’m sleeping and I wake from a dead sleep at 2:30 am and say “ThatCompany is going to be my Waterloo!”  Now, why this particular phrase popped in to my head I have no idea, but it stuck.  The rest of the night I kept waking up every 30 minutes singing Abba’s Waterloo in my head.  Crazyness.

My sister went to Yoga with me last night.  It made me happy.  It did not however make my husband happy when he couldn’t’ find me and did not remember that I would be at yoga. He was worried.

Going to the doctors this afternoon, YAY!  I dent’ usually say yay, but I’m pretty sure I have a sinus infection and they refused to call me in antibiotics.  Apparently there is a little note in my chart, which says make her come in!  So I’ll be happy to get this taken care of.  Tired of sniffing.

Had a crazy morning this morning!  Ended up on a two hour conference call on my cell from home with Sri Lanka, Trinidad, Texas and Toledo.  I’m surprised my phone didn’t burst into flames.  The best part of it was someone apparently kept hitting “hold” and there would be rousing latin dance music for a few moments!  I may start doing that regularly.

Back to work!



Wait!  I came back.

I LOVE this stuff!  Eating it for lunch right now.

2010-04-29 12.52.12


Entry 1 of 2

This is part of my horoscope today from Daily OM.


April 28, 2010
Face-Value Acceptance
Virgo Daily Horoscope

The strength and magnitude of your emotional reactions may not be in sync with the situations you face today. You may feel overly sensitive and responsive as you move through your day. As a result, you may be more apt to perceive negative meanings in others’ words or deeds, even when the individuals involved truly meant no offense. This sensitivity can upset your emotional equilibrium, causing you to feel slighted easily. Before you can once again interact with people in a balanced and enriching way, you may need to remind yourself that what others say and do likely has little to do with you or your worth as a person. You’ll likely feel vastly more upbeat today when you’ve accepted that no good can come of taking peoples’ words and deeds personally.


I think what they’re really saying is; “Tracy, don’t be such a bitch”.




More Google Voice Fun

Two voice mails that came in to my google voice, and how they were transcribed into emails & Texts:

Got your voicemail message. Sounds like you have a cold. I will explain on your way home. I just don’t know. Yes No weird magazine. I was weird, like it’s a negative thing that I just got called Hey say us to or something like that. It’s I don’t know if it’s it’s got like yoga, and home remedies and medication and I don’t know. I’m working from because I certainly don’t remember order in. Hi. Hope you’re sick. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

Hey Tracy, It’s, Brad The Post Offices. Okay, I did nick and i was by that she if they were close. I will never gotten extension post office so I don’t really know where I’ll see you at them. I guess I’m rummage through your desk phone. What I’m looking for stamps. Bye bye alright.


Though, I still say, Google Voice is in fact one of the best things I’ve ever found on the internet!


Trip Journal…All saved up.

Stuff I typed on my trip, and pictures I took with one of my cell phone cameras.  I have two, but since this was a work trip, I’ll only show you the pictures I took with my work phone! 🙂

04/22/2010 – 7:54 am my time. 6:54 am their time!
Last night I realized I forgot to bring my Singular.  Which is a wonderful prescription allergy pill.  The only thing I’ve ever found that works for my perfume allergy.  This  morning on the local news they said “Pollen Alert” EXTRA HIGH!  Of course.  Tomorrows forecast thunderstorms with damaging winds. I meant to buy an umbrella last night but forgot.  I’ll try to remember today.
Laying in bed drinking my coffee.  My first meeting is at 9:00 am.  Trip was fairly uneventful.  One plane very bumpy, 2nd plane not so bad.  Got my rental car, Chevy Cobalt – bright red.  Drives okay, bad mileage, not much power.
Hotel room is extra nice.  The nice thing about traveling a fair amount is that I have frequent guest cards everywhere so I get little perks sometimes.  After I checked in went to the local grocery (Sent Nina a text of the HyVee so she knew I was here.  Meeting for dinner tonight).  Had a salad and Velveeta 2% Easy Mac for dinner.  A microwave and fridge are important in a hotel room.  For leisure travel, we won’t stay without them.  Yogurt and granola in the fridge for breakfast.  Didn’t bring my camera.  Yay for Cell phone cameras!


View from room.

04/22/2010 – 22:23 my time – had a good evening.  Worked today at the call center, went out for lunch.  Worked from the hotel for a few hours catching up.  Met my wonderful Nina for dinner at Okoboji.  Then Nina took me on the death defying drive to her house.  On the way I saw Cows, Horses, Mules, Sheep and Llamas.  I did not see the peacock.  Yes, Nina does live that far out in the country.  At Ninas house I got to see the wonderful Mr. Nina aka Phil, and all the animals!  Wonderful!  I miss having kitties.  Only saw deer on the way back to my car. Glad Nina drove me, never would have found my way back out.  Hotel room has an odd mildewy smell.  Hope it’s not me, if it is, sorry Nina.  Don’t have to be at the call center until 1100 tomorrow. Woo!  Think I’ll go catch up on my scrabble, then grab a glass of wine and sleep.  I am tired.


Cold and rainy morning

04/23/2010 – 1500 my time – done with meetings.  Met the two owners of the company, had lunch.   Met the tech guy.  Lots of rain, and very windy.  I actually drove the one block to the entrance this morning.  I was going to walk, but the wind was so strong I didn’t think my umbrella would make it.  Going to work for awhile, then…I find someplace/thing for dinner.  There are really only a few restaurants around here. (Hey Nina! CallCenter took me to Okoboji for lunch!)  maybe I’ll go back to the hyvee and get more easy mac.  Think I”m about done with my meat avoidance.  I miss chicken.

04/25/2010 1100 my time.  Home.  Apparently I’ve broken the Iowa curse, nothing strange happened.  However, I take back my comments about nice room.  Once I got a good look in the daylight, aside from the odd mildewy sour smell I found ants.  And dust..lots and lots of dust.  Of which of course I took pictures.  Sadly the room was also dim with no sun so you can’t really see them.   Oh, also need to take back the cobalt comment.  Not about the power, still no power, but I got decent mileage, it just apparently has a tiny gas tank.  Didn’t eat chicken.


Bugs and Dust.


DTW – These guys amused me because they were wearing matching clothes.


Ominous skies, and some kind of military plane in the background.  Sorry, can’t really see it.

Bored at the Airport.  UNOS Airport pizza for Breakfast/Lunch. 

For Nina


See…sunburned, rained on, hungry..  Yay for the Bahamas,

Because really, without rules…


Toledo Express Airport.  Virtually an empty section wiht like 200 empty seats.  See that man over their on their right?  Yes, he came and sat down by me.  He does not know the rules. 

DTW Airport

Detroit Airport…Busy Busy Busy…but look spaces between the people.




 Back in Newton!


Can you see me?

Probably not, unless you click on the protected tab. 😉

Other lessons learned in class on Saturday

I was in class on Saturday morning and it was just the teacher, me and one other person.  Someone new eventually showed up, late.  Having someone come in late to yoga is very unusual, and this was even more so because she was developmentally disabled.  She appears to have Downs Syndrome.  45 seconds worth of disruption, no biggie.  During the class it was a little different mood.  Some of that was, I’m sure, because of the people that were missing.

Towards the end of class New Persons transportation arrived. The driver came into the class while we were enmeshed in a pose, and starting talking.  Again, 45 seconds of disruption.  No biggie, just kind of one more thing.
Towards the end, as we all relaxed in corpse pose (it is what it sounds like) New Person was very agitated because she was concerned her driver wouldn’t wait.  Another 45 seconds of disruption as she voiced these concerns.

While I lay there in smooth calmness hearing fidgeting and such, I was thinking about how horrible this much feel for the new person who couldn’t possibly relax because she would be worried about the driver not waiting.  Instead of happily zoning out and consciously working on achieving calmness I was becoming more and more anxious about the anxiety that the New Person much feel.  I swear it was palpable in the room.

Class ended, eyes opened, and lo and behold, she was gone!  She must have left as soon as we all closed our eyes, and I didn’t noticed.

That’s when it started occurring to me, that my empathy really only served me.  It didn’t help her, it didn’t change the situation, it only gave me something to think about.  She didn’t need my sympathy, nor my help.  She took care of her anxiety by herself by leaving.  Thereby robbing me of my chance to be visibly empathetic.

I think I will be more aware of this in the future and try not to let myself start down that path.

Not tortilla soup

I made Sweet Potato and Bean soup instead.

I like this recipe because the ingredients were all things we would normally have in the house but that I would never have thought about combining!

I think it tastes pretty good, salty and sweet, but light.  It is at least colorful!

Next time;
double up on the kidney beans
full onion.
Used vegetable broth
Yes Black pepper, no salt.

Last test will be freezing it.

Tag Cloud


Happiness gently landed on my shoulders

A ᏣᎳᎩ Girl Writes



A musician learning about food.


A new Iteration

One Life, One Chance

Learning to be Resilient

It's me - mb!

musings from the mind of mb

The Journey from Big Girl to Fit N HEalthy

It Doesn't Matter How Many Times You Fall As Long As You Always Stand Back Up One More Time

Get With It For Life with JEN



Blogging like it's the old days.

Musings of a Quirky Introvert

ideas ... observations ... reflections


I'm on a path. It meanders.

The Enchanted Cottage

Binaural beats therapy

Brainwaves entrainment for Android

A Sagittarian Seeker

Sharing a life of inner and outer journeys

Victor Travel Blog

An Illustrated Travel Magazine by Victor Tribunsky


pairing wine with pizza and then meowing about it.

Bridgette Tales

Everybody has a story. Here's a little of mine.

Letters from Lyndie

Bets and Pieces

Solving Life's Puzzles, One Word at a Time

Start Skydiving



Onward and upward