Archive for June, 2010

Something Something ED

I went to a farmers market the other day, and discovered my favorite candle maker had a booth.
She has amazing soy candles, and a logo that looks oddly like tombstones. 


This time she had added something new.  Little tealights with her remnant wax.  She was telling everyone, “just drop one in your car, it’ll smell so good.”

I bought three.  My son and daughter were with me and I had my daughter pick out the best car fragrance.  Coincidentally it was the same fragrance candle that I buy. My favorite!  I dropped the candle in my center console and away we went.  My car smelled so good the next day!  

My son wanted to borrow my car the next day so he took me to work and then picked me up in the afternoon.  It was really hot!  I ran down to the parking lot, threw my laptop in the back seat and hopped into the drivers seat, dropping my cell phone into the center console like usual.  Unusually this time it made a splashing sound.  Yup, I had dropped it right into a steaming pool of melted soy candle way.  I looked down, I laughed,  and said, well as long as my phone doesn’t ring.  It of course immediately started making noise.  I had taken off work like 30 minutes early so I HAD to answer it.  I ever so carefully picked it up and flipped it open while melted highly scented wax dripped down my arm,and discovered it was a picture from Ed of a couch.
Well, at least my phone smells good now.

Speaking of Ed.  Ed is a co-worker for like a million years through a couple of different companies.  He lives in Plano, Tx. He shares my passion for deadpan sarcasm.  Ed and his equally sarcastic wife Jamie have two new kittens.  This weekend they discovered these at the pet store!


I so want them to buy them and try them so I can see pictures!  I wonder if I could put it on the dogs?



What do Bananas, Coconuts, Avacados and Buddha have in common?

Apparently I’m only going to talk about food, and blog pictures from here on out!

Food first

Have you tried these? 

NUM!  I also bought chocolate covered frozen bananas.  I’ve been having an awful craving for ice cream lately.

My guacamole at lunch was too spicy.  Hate that!  Am I the only person who loves mexican food but hates jalepeno’s?

Went to the museum to see a 60’s psychedic poster exhibit.  Pretty cool.  Wandered around until my feet hurt.

Found an empty exhibit. in the silver room!  


Funny little room they have.

Loved the Buddha

Here is my real life version of Buddha

I thought this painting was amazing.  It’s done on ivory.  Don’t know if you can see but the carving on the ivory frame is remarkable.


I was trying to get some good storm pictures but I just couldn’t.  We were right on the front edge of it the whole drive home.

I kind of like the raindrops and smeared sky one mostly because of  the tree in the middle.  I like motion captured.

I really enjoy the museum and I think it’s one of the things my city can be very proud of.  It’s not so big you can’t walk in a day, but you’re feet will get tired!

We wandered through an exhibit that wasn’t completed yet, so nothing was tagged.  It was fun (well, for me) trying to figure out what the commonalities were.

Harsh way to start the day!

My Friends

You have 1 friend

My Friend Invitations


Did I mention my husband got a scanner. Now with bonus Pics!

My sister and I.


My babies, back when they were my babies.  My mom had this picture made back when you couldn’t just photoshop things.

Wait!  Two more.
Corey & Sean.  I really love this picture.

and Me and Katy
She was a wonderful baby.

Time to go home

  It’s been a fine trip.  These business with an extra day at the end trips are odd.  They’re not vacations, so you work normal hours for the first three days but you eat dinner in strange places and wake up in hotels.  But on your Saturday you try to use your time wisely to see what you want to see. 

It was really fun to meet people that I have been talking to on a daily basis for two years!  It’s just like meeting someone from the Internet that you’ve become friends with.  Speaking of which.


Here you go Nina!  One of my coworkers laughed about me posting a picture of my bruised and battered foot on Facebook and I explained I very meanly do it becuase you hate feet.  He showed up for dinner with sandals just so I could take pictures of his web toes!



This is what it looks like when you get a bunch of people together who are all technology junkies.


Oh, yeah, that’s how the trip started.  The day we left I fell at home.  I slipped on a used fabric softener sheet, which on tile, is wicked.  I bruised the front of my foot, my ankle, my knee and my hip.  Couldn’t wear shoes, got a suitcase dragged across the top of the same foot at the Dallas airport.  Poor foot.


Really, the only thing we wanted to see was the 6th Floor Museum and Dealey Plaza.  My husband was very interested in it, I was more of a, well I’m in Dallas, I have to see it.  We parked at the Dallas Aquarium and then wandered downtown until we ended up in the right place.  Feels historical. 


Not sure why it turned Yellow!


We decided we should go in the aquarium since we were there, but after 20 minutes in line and being halfway to the entrance we decided no.  I can’t imagine how busy the aquarium was inside.  We then spent the rest of the day wandering the city, window shopping, eating. 

2010-06-17 18.54.09 Cows.jpg Dinner.jpg Dinner_N1andN2.jpg

I did not get a good hotel for this part. (I split my time and location so that I could easily pay for the vacation part).  Bad location.  You know it’s bad when they have signs everywhere warning people not to steal things.  Oops.  Only surprising when you realize the excess of wealth around here.  Amazing.


Off to shower and get a move on.



In ohio we put little ceramic geese on our lawns. 
Apparently in Plano, TX  they do things a little differently.

2010-06-17 18.54.09

In Texas.

They have a whole foods.




The Strange Files of Fremont Jones

Has anyone read this?  I saw it on for $0.75 when I was buying a different book and it tweaked my interest.  Looks like my type of book.  I am currently reading way to many books at the same time while not having enough time to read.

I read you even if you have torn and tattered pages.

It has just occurred to me that I look at people the same as I look at books. 

I’ve always known that in my early years I was strongly influenced by Dame Chrisitie. I fell in love with Agatha Christie books very early on.  Even now just thinking about it I realize how long it’s been and think maybe I should go pick one up and read for awhile.  Hard to resist.  I think I picture myself as an up and coming Miss. Marple.  I enjoy watching the details of life and seeing each nuance of an occurrence.  It’s fascinating to see how one small gesture or look can give so much away.  I guess in a different life I may have started out as a Tuppence and worked my way up to a Jane.  That isn’t a bad gig. 

This morning though, while thinking about one of the randomly fun people I’ve met here on the internet it struck me that I look at them (you) the same way as I look at books.  I read people who are exotic and let me step into their lives a little bit to see what it’s like in a far away lands, or situations.  Some of them live quite nearby but their lives are so different from mine that they are an adventure.  I have people who focus on food.  So just like picking up a random cookbook and getting ideas, I pull from them different tastes and ideas for things.  I eat vicariously.

I sub here on Xanga to a small group of much younger women who fall into that teen lit group. They’re that selection of books that is full of drama and joy and angst and energy.  You can’t read them for too long because it puts a strange twist on your view on life, but for a quick touch every once in awhile they bring a certain va voom into the picture.

I love the raucous bunch.  These are the people that are bigger than life.  Some are full of joy and fun and sex and laughter, which is one of my favorite genre’s, and some are full of drama.  I can easily see them in a dark castle full of intrigue.  Some would be the sneaky worm guy, while others would be the young woman caught up in the palace dramas.

I think the majority of the people that I communicate with on a regular basis fall into the slice of life category.  There are enough similarities in our lives..

Andre Bocelli “Sogno” just rotated through on my MP3 player.  Unbelievably beautiful.  This is the song that stopped me in my tracks while in a Borders.  I just stood there in the middle of an aisle staring dumbly at the ceiling listening.  With decent ear buds on it’s like a musical painting.  I dare you to close your eyes and really listen and not tear up.

..that I can see myself in their life, or as their neighbor but at the same time their trials and tribulations are different.  They have different events that bring them joy that they share and I get to enjoy with them.

Thankfully I don’t think I have any King or Koontz type selections around.  Wouldn’t that be freaky? 

Sometimes I’m sorry that I started out and continue to be so public.  I think my life could probably be more interesting to others if you got to hear my dirty little secrets.  All the pieces that I keep private.  I think that’s the book that never gets published.  It’s the diary that you lose the key to and gets thrown away by accident after a few years.

I don’t know how in the heck I got off on this track this morning, but I think I’ll probably spend the rest of the day categorizing people and situations in my head.

Off to finish my coffee, fix my bike, eat my breakfast, do a little reading while on my bike, shower, maybe a little shopping, food, fun, a show. While stopping in at the computer between each and every task to read anything I might have missed. 

It just occurred to me that browsers have “bookmarks”, see?

See YA!

Thank you all for the supportive of my banning of someone two years ago comments. (wow, now that was a sentence).  Isn’t it funny how some things just stick in your craw?

Got a sore sore throat yesterday afternoon.  Still sore today.  My stinky trees are in bloom so I hope it’s just allergies.  Stupid ass trees.

Went to a little get together at a store in a nearby city last night.  This is the store

Only bought something small.  I’ve bought things online from her to send as gifts, because I think they’re fun and unique but this was the first time in person.  Very very cool.

Going to see Victor/Victoria tomorrow.  That should be fun.

My first born niece got her drivers license today!  I’m just as terrified as I was when my kids got their drivers license.  Then today, my daughter put together her bike (she’s 22) and told me about her intent to ride to lunch from work and I was terrified.  When does it stop?  When can I stop worrying? 

Tag Cloud


Happiness gently landed on my shoulders

A ᏣᎳᎩ Girl Writes



A musician learning about food.


A new Iteration

One Life, One Chance

Learning to be Resilient

It's me - mb!

musings from the mind of mb

The Journey from Big Girl to Fit N HEalthy

It Doesn't Matter How Many Times You Fall As Long As You Always Stand Back Up One More Time

Get With It For Life with JEN



Blogging like it's the old days.

Musings of a Quirky Introvert

ideas ... observations ... reflections


I'm on a path. It meanders.

The Enchanted Cottage

Binaural beats therapy

Brainwaves entrainment for Android

A Sagittarian Seeker

Sharing a life of inner and outer journeys

Victor Travel Blog

An Illustrated Travel Magazine by Victor Tribunsky


pairing wine with pizza and then meowing about it.

Bridgette Tales

Everybody has a story. Here's a little of mine.

Letters from Lyndie

Bets and Pieces

Solving Life's Puzzles, One Word at a Time

Start Skydiving



Onward and upward