but here you go #strawberryfieldsgirl



Purses that are going. I used the brown one for a long time but the fabric inside is ripped. I should throw it out but it was expensive and didn’t last long so I can’t. 

Going.  I love my red bags and this was a tough decision. The nine-west on the left was one of the best bargains ever. The little purple one is wonderful and never been used. It is TINY! That’s the problem with buying online if you don’t read all the details.



Going.. I love my Tokyo Bay red plaid, but once I’ve used them for awhile, I just can’t go back!


Brown one in front is the one that I just bought and love the look but it’s just too damn small and doesn’t sling over my shoulder correctly.  It’s going to my sister.

I bought the red plaid on clearance so it was really cheap.  Just got it, haven’t used it yet.

This is the one I bought to replace the brown one and I’m now currently using. It’s nice. It has bright obnoxious floral fabric inside which I love! The straps were too long so I knotted them. I’ll probably use this one for a while. It was not expensive.


Comments on: "I can’t believe I’m doing this" (0)

  1. I will be posting myPurse later. I got itNew at a yard sale for$3 and plan to use it for the rest Of my life.

  2. @Muzwah – Unless of course it’s really cool and someone offers you say….twice what you paid for it?

  3. I love purses usually pink…I have several pink ones mine would be too small for you the ones I use are about the size of the purple one heavy large ones are just too much for me it makes my crazy nerve in my hip go wild and I limp and all sorts of stupid stuff so now I use a small purse to carry

  4. @SisterMae – You have to be so careful with the weight and way you carry a purse!  If my purses can’t be carried with a nice balance then out they go. It’s way to easy to damage your shoulder and neck. I love backpack straps on a purse but I haven’t found any recently that I like. The ones I did have I actually used for so long they had to get thrown out instead of given away.

  5. My purse has to have two front pockets – one for my keys and one for my cell phone. Then it has to have handles not a strap. I looked it up – the type I like are called satchels or doctors bag. Then it has to be black in the winter and beige-ish for the summer. If I find a good purse I will use it until it falls apart. When I was younger I would match my purse and my shoes and had several purses that I would switch as needed.I love the color of your sofa, BTW. I don’t think I have ever carried colorful purses but I love yours.

  6. wow you have some very cool purses. that “brown” one looks purple in the pic. i like it purple lol Love the red plaid…well love all the plaid. I like plaid. and that one with the skinny braided strap…LOVE that strap!! The skinnier the strap, the better I like them.  Thank you for shareing! I love your collection!!

  7. We’re having a blast with the box of love, thank you.

  8. That’s a lot of bags 😀 Dakine is a local slang.

  9. @wematter – Uh..oh.  Slang for what?

  10. Nothing bad 🙂 It’s sort of like doesn’t mean anything but can be applied for anything when you can’t think of the name of something or someone. E.g. If I am going to Sears but forgot the name of the item I came to purchase and the clerk says; “Can I help you” I say; “ Yes, where are the um…dakine um… Weed wackers :)” If you can’t think of the name of the store you were going to go to, you might hear someone say; Um I’m going to Dakine um what is that name? Oh yeah Sears. It can be used for anything. I don’t use many pidgin English slangs anymore but understand them all. I think that is the best way to explain it. I heard the Dakine company makes good bags too.

  11. @wematter – Thank you!  Wonderful explanation.

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