Archive for March, 2012

Smile when you drive

No seriously, try it. Not some big idiot smile like the voices in your head are telling you dirty jokes, but that nice smile that shows the world you are happy and realize how good life is.

Next week try smiling every time you walk, no matter where it is.


At some point the game should just flash in red & blue and suddenly give me all new letters with an even split of consonants and vowels. I know I should just quit and start over instead of playing a gazillion more three and four letter words but I just can’t do it!


I think I should start thinking about planning a repeat trip the suburbs of Chicago with the ladies. Just a long weekend away. I wonder when my niece is out of school for the year.









Nothing to say worth staying awake for.

I have a gazillion things to talk about. But I’m tired, and my house smells like bleach.

Ate raw vegetables on Saturday, so tasty, so sick.

My life is full of befores and afters and firsts. Today was the 1st dentist appointment since chemo/radiation. No cavities. I am measuring my life these days in very different increments.

I have an account on I had no information on my family because we suck and everyone stopped talking to each other. Within 24 hours of creating the account I found someone who had traced my grand-fathers family on my mothers side back to the 1700’s and gave me access to her tree. 🙂 When I get a the hankering I’ll share it with you. I will tell you that my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfathers name was Devereaux Wrather (later generations changed it to Rather). It is helpful to have a unique name. There are many Google’able people with that name and I’m going to guess they are all related to me far far down the line.

I believe my Dad may be some sort of spy or Alien because he certainly didn’t exist on any record anywhere. I found his parents & sister on a couple of census records with their last name spelled a few different ways, then nothing. All gone. The lives of poor 2nd generation immigrants during and following the depression is not easy to trace.

I would love to be friends or at least acquaintances with people who share my genes, I really feel like it’s something missing in my life. I don’t know why.

Tracing my husbands family very quickly hit a very large brick wall as well.

That is all.



Just saying….

Nothing too gross to report.

I think perhaps the lidocaine is all starting to wear off. 

I am too lazy to download and upload the pictures my husband posted on his facebook so here, the wonders of PrtSc!



Did you notice my new Utz t-shirt?  The thing in the liquid is in fact the port they removed. We brought it home. It’s heavy! No wonder it was so uncomfortable. They didn’t knock me out or drug me at all. Just lots and lots of shots of lidocaine. Which gave me the shakes afterwards. I took a dose of ibuprofen as soon as I got home and I’m about to go take another one. The shots stung like a bee a few times then nothing but the weird feeling of someone slicing into you and pulling out the port and then stitching back up.  Weirdness.

I’m very sleepy. 


The movement of the words

I have not been feeling very sociable. I do those fly by blog readings and then go on my merry way. A quick message to someone on facebook, I little chat on Words with Friends and done. I’ve just been busy and tired and still not feeling the greatest. I can feel myself getting meaner and meaner and I know I have to be careful when I type so I don’t say something on the spur of the moment that hurts someones feelings.

Tomorrow I’m going in for a little outpatient procedure and getting that darn port removed. Oddly it’s been bothering me the most the last couple of days. The smaller I get the more annoying it gets, it catches on; my bra strap, my shirts, a seatbelt if I’m in the passenger seat and my skin if I cough or sneeze or exercise. I know it’s going to hurt after and that does not make me happy, but then all gone! I’m a little anxious just because there is some weird superstitious thing going on in my head that says as soon as I get it removed I’m going to need it again. gah.

Someone made me cry on facebook.  Well, I didn’t cry directly on Facebook cause it’s a website, but I did cry because of what she said on Facebook. Thank you MB. 

I play about ten games on words with friends at any one time and today I was playing a game and then stood up and started walking with my iPod in my hand open on Words with Friends. When I got in the other room I realized that I had flipped the iPod over and every step was pushing a button. I declined one game, I forfeited one game and I don’t know what else! Good thing there isn’t a remove all games kind of button.

We watched three movies last weekend

The Girl who kicked a Hornets Nest – quite good but certainly much slower than the first two

Fright Night – the 20?? version. Quite good but slower then the first one

50/50 – Quick moving but oddly annoying to me. Probably just a circumstance thing.


All right, I’m outta here. So very tired.



nuttin honey.

My own little blog world has been very quiet lately. We’ve all gone kind of quiet. I guess it’s the season. Watching the storms roll in here now.

I have been sick again the last 24 hours. SHOCK!  I think it’s because I was pigging out on sandwiches with lettuce & tomato. My bad three things to eat are bread, lettuce & tomato so I was kind of doomed there. The other day I bought a vegetarian bologna and I really like it!  It’s been so long since I had lunch meat that I ate a sandwich three days in a row. So, back on soft foods for a day or two now.  Stupid. I ended up leaving work yesterday at 10am and working from home the rest of the day and then today I went in an hour late.

This was my picture for today on day 2 of the 365 pictures group.

My plant amuses me. Seems like the other dozen people in the group are all filled with ART and do professional photography. My pictures are all about my life. Things that I like or that I want to remember, or just that make me smile.


I’m skipping the gym today but I did do my 30 minutes on the bike this morning so that’s okay. It’s a good day to just curl up and read a book. I hope I don’t have to skip yoga in the morning because of the weather. I’m pretty close to back to where I was in yoga. I still don’t have any upper body strength but I haven’t really don’t anything to fix that either. I’m really really bendy again though, and it feels good. I still have some pretty sore spots so there are things that I can’t do, or at least not do full out, but it gets better every week.


Stay safe!




Tag Cloud


Happiness gently landed on my shoulders

A ᏣᎳᎩ Girl Writes



A musician learning about food.


A new Iteration

One Life, One Chance

Learning to be Resilient

It's me - mb!

musings from the mind of mb

The Journey from Big Girl to Fit N HEalthy

It Doesn't Matter How Many Times You Fall As Long As You Always Stand Back Up One More Time

Get With It For Life with JEN



Blogging like it's the old days.

Musings of a Quirky Introvert

ideas ... observations ... reflections


I'm on a path. It meanders.

The Enchanted Cottage

Binaural beats therapy

Brainwaves entrainment for Android

A Sagittarian Seeker

Sharing a life of inner and outer journeys

Victor Travel Blog

An Illustrated Travel Magazine by Victor Tribunsky


pairing wine with pizza and then meowing about it.

Bridgette Tales

Everybody has a story. Here's a little of mine.

Letters from Lyndie

Bets and Pieces

Solving Life's Puzzles, One Word at a Time

Start Skydiving



Onward and upward